Razlog za druženje

Tedenska druženja ob nedeljskih popoldnevih so resda brez razloga. Vsake toliko pa je potrebno imeti tudi poseben razlog. Pa naj bo to rojstni dan, birma, obletnica poroke ali pa vselitvena zabava, morda bolj znano kot housewarming party.
In smo se zbrali. Dvomila sem sicer o tem, da bo dovolj prostora in bo koga potrebno poslati na balkon ali na stopnišče. A nas ni ravno veliko, zato smo se kar lepo razporedili :)

Atrakcija večera :)

In kaj o tem pravi naša nadvse pametna Wikipedija:

housewarming party is a party held within approximately 120 days of moving into a 
new residence. It is an occasion for the hosts to present their new home to their friends, 
and for friends to give gifts to furnish the new home. Housewarming parties are generally
informal; usually there are no planned activities besides a possible tour.

The term "housewarming" is descended literally from the act of warming a new house, in
the days before central heating. Each guest would bring firewood, and build fires in all the 
available fireplaces, offering firewood as a gift. Aside from warming the house, this was 
also believed to repel evil spirits by creating a protective atmosphere of warmth. 
Uninhabited houses were considered targets for vagrant spirits, and therefore required a 
certain level of cleansing before a house was safe to be occupied by young children.

Pa še ena naša skupinska slika s praznovanja Aninega 18. rojstnega dne:


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