Up in the sky (77 Bombay Street)

Najprej sta mi v ušesih in nogah ostala melodija in ritem.
Toda tisto kar mi je najbolj všeč je besedilo. Ne morem se odločiti katera kitica ali kateri verz, všeč mi je preprosto celotno bistvo pesmi.
Z mislimi kar poletiš.........tja........tja gor...v nebo.

A moram priznat, da za kaj takega ni potrebno v nebo, kar je dokaj nedosegljivo nam (preveč) racionalnim ljudem. Verjamem (in vem), da kaj takega lahko doživiš tudi tukaj, na trdnih tleh. Sicer ne v takem obsegu, toda vseeno... Košček tu, košček tam... in življenje je popolno :)

Up in the sky, there is a village
And the people there are blue, I believe it's true
Up in the sky, people are happy
They love to sing and there is no need for a king

Up in the sky, nothing is insane
Like a rocket driven plane you can fly above the rain
Up in the sky, you just feel fine
There is no running out of time and you never cross a line

I never want to die
I wanna live in the sky

Up in the sky, you can fly
You will make it if you try
In the sky you are far away

Up in the sky you can sing
And you can do everything
And no matter what they say it's true
I'm going to the blue

Up in the sky, there's no religion
There are no cars and no phones and you can't not be controlled
Up in the sky, you just feel fine
There is no money making crime but a lot of good wine

I never want to die
I wanna live in the sky

Up in the sky, you can fly
You will make it if you try
In the sky you are far away

Up in the sky you can sing
And you can do everything
And no matter what they say it's true
I'm going to the blue

I'm going to the blue
Into the blue

Wanna live up in the sky
Wanna live up in the sky
Up in the sky

Up in the sky, you can fly
You will make it if you try
In the sky you are far away

Up in the sky you can sing
And you can do everything
And no matter what they say it's true
I'm going to the blue.

p.s.: Videospot mi ni všeč.


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